Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Emerging from the Cocoon


Stay tuned and get connected!

I love learning new things and even better, I love sharing what I’ve learned.

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” ~Benjamin Franklin

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Is it Groundhog Day???

What day is it?

I just saw my life flash before my eyes...I came in the house planning on writing some things down that need to be done to the house. When I reached for a notebook to use, I picked up one from 2008/2009 and I read about some issues that I’ve already had to deal with. It seems I am going through some of them again to learn a lesson. It was funny, because it’s so obvious now. 

So, I give it all over to God. I know that he has our highest good in mind, I have faith. 

I ask the angels for guidance more often, and am learning new skills. I love my life, and am looking for a few partners who would like to make a difference in the world to join with me. 

Would YOU like to be part of an online business that REALLY works? 

 Message me on Facebook.  
"What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?” ~ Groundhog Day

A Little Grey Hair

What do you see when you look in the mirror? 

Looking in the mirror today I noticed something I hadn’t seen before. More grey hair that I would like to admit. The grey doesn’t bother me, I am thankful to have hair as there are many who do not. It did get me thinking though...where has the time gone? It seems not so long ago that my children were young and I had all the time in the world. Now, it seems the days past way too quickly and we are all trying to play catch up. If I feel that way, there has to be others that feel that way too.  I would love to hear your thoughts and what you are doing to catch up.

If money were not an issue, what would you do with your life?

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. ~Carl Sandburg

Friday, February 22, 2013

Creative Finances

I learned the concept a long time ago, but just recently understood the full meaning of creative finances. 

I know the gas prices here are really putting a hurt on people so I thought I would share a conversation I had recently with my dad involving credit cards. My parents taught me at a young age to live within my means, be generous with the gifts I am blessed with and not to be foolish with my money. They taught me to use credit to my advantage and recommended that I get credit cards with no fees and

 that would paid me back.

My super smart dad shared how he saved almost $.30 a gallon at Kroger when they weren't offering that large of a discount. He took what they offered and then used his highest return credit card to pay for the gas. He commits to paying off his debt each month and has saved a lot of money making purchase this way. His friend even bought a vehicle on his credit card to save money!

One of the ways I have found to be successful in creative finances is network marketing. It’s a way to make a difference in your income without the burdens of an 9-5 job, and is rewarding on all levels. Just the savings in taxes alone has made a huge difference in our lives financially. This is a serious matter that can be made into a lot of fun. I love connecting with like minded individuals and would love to have a conversation with anyone who is ready to take action with their finances. 

Would YOU like to be part of an online business that REALLY works? Would you like to start saving tax money right away? There’s nothing better than making a living while making a difference.

Message me on Facebook!

“Network marketing gives people the opportunity, with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth.” 
~Robert Kiyosak

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mind Control

Why is a molecule that can expand consciousness such a threat to the government that it must criminalize that molecule and imprison those who attempt to produce it, possess it or use it?

This article is about advances in science and the role our government plays. Please take the time to learn more here.

ASEA holds multiple patents on the arrangements of molecules that are native to the human body and before now, unproducible outside the body. It is precisely this ability to supplement a diminishing supply of the molecules that activate antioxidants and improve signaling capacity that will an able us to heal faster, recover quickly and age slower. This is an historic breakthrough and SHOULD be patentable and the intellectual property should be able to be protected. If you would like to know more about ASEA, click here.

The greatest wealth is your health ~ anonymous 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Crystal Energy

Have you ever thought about Crystals and the energy they give off?

                      Are you called to nature and find yourself collecting trinkets to take home?

Do you have a passion for rocks and minerals?

Crystal Energy Therapy  is a whole new world for most people, and yet it is a growing field of alternative healing. If you would like to know more, click here.

Crystals have held our fascination for thousands of years by their energy and sheer beauty. Knowledgeable healers in every culture on Earth have used their powers since time began, and the amazing attributes of crystals can bring healing into our lives now, more than ever before.

How do they work?“A crystal is a solid material, whose constituent atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in an orderly repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions.” This Wikipedia definition gives us a clue as to how they work: the key here is “orderly repeating patterns.” This is the latticework that allows energy to be transferred and transformed as it moves through the body of the crystal. The energy of the crystal attracts any negativity in the field and raises the vibratory levels until the field is in harmony with itself. From this comes a feeling of deep relaxation and replenishment.

Crystals found in Kentucky

As always, the pictures don’t do the beauty of the rocks justice. 

These geodes came from the Cumberland River, KY

Life form

What I am learning is that there are three types of people, those that are awake, those that are waking up, and those that are still asleep. 

I have been awakening for quite a few years myself, with a major breakthrough this past summer. I made a conscious decision to avoid negative people and to spread the gift of JOY to everyone I meet. That in itself can be life changing but I went a step further. I have been seeking out networks of people that want to heal the world. It seems like a daunting task but if enough people are awake, the end result should be nothing short of amazing. 

If you would like to know more please connect with me on Facebook

Blessings, Kathy

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
~ Nikola Tesla

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Vision Board

Do you have a vision?

Do you feel the need to share?

Do you live your life, finding value in the little things?

Are you looking to connect with others that are waking?

I'm glad you're here.

Please add your comment with something you'd like to share. All comments are welcome although I hope you keep them positive.

Many Blessings tonight as always. ~Kathy

I normally don’t have a front and back side but I was inspired to use everything that I found. I think it turned out nice and I feel good about the vision I am sharing.

 Freedom requires that you discover your own inner language - your own life rules - your own vision. ~
 Zephyr Bloch-Jorgensen

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Do You Have a Plan?

Are you a planner or do you just let life happen?

If you ask me that question before 2013 I would say I just let life happen. I have always been a live and let live kind of girl, what can I say :-).

As I write this, I have a great sense of accomplishment. It’s as if all of the good intentions and creative ideas have all fallen into place. I realize that one of the keys to success is organization, and all its takes is a little planning. Once your plan is in place, the execution should be the easy part! Don’t get me wrong, it seems I’ve always had a plan, just not the space to spread my wings. Today, I am ready to soar. 

Some of the things that I have done to become organized (in no particular order).
  • Love the space you work in (make it feel like a place to escape to instead of from)
  • Put things back where they belong when your done using them
  • Use a daily/weekly/monthly at a glance calendar
  • Have a comfortable chair/couch or someplace in addition to your desk to work from
  • Take breaks often (unplug completely for a time throughout the day)
  • Schedule reminders for appointments
  • Have fun
  • Make the commitment to success
It’s really that simple. 

I would love to hear some of the ideas you use to be successful in life!


“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” 
Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Magic of Thinking Big

Have you ever thought about it, really thought about it?

Have you ever dreamt of a life so BIG, that you can give back and still have plenty for yourself?
What does that feel like to you???

In the first chapter of the book, The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz, Ph.D.
 It says, Believe You Can Succeed and You Will. 

It then offers the following solution. How to develop the power of belief:

  • Think success, don’t think failure.
  • You are better than you think you are.
  • The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief.

The book also suggest to train yourself on a schedule, a schedule that permits you to set some definite time each day to train yourself in the principals of success.

What if it was that easy? 
Would you do it? 
What if it was hard? 
Would you do what it takes to succeed then???

What if I could introduce you to a network of people that are dedicated to our success? 
Would it be worth 15 minutes of your time?

We are thinking BIG!


The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.
~ Alice Walker 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Time to Share

I know it’s a little late to share this, but I feel the need to tell my whole story...
When you find your passion in life, you often find solutions to help your dreams become reality. I would like to share my story with you, it’s about the journey and passion, as well as what I discovered along the way.  I have faith that I am on the right path, and have complete gratitude to be thriving in life.

I am the middle child of wonderful parents who instilled in me the power to love and to always have faith.  They encouraged me to follow my dreams and they have supported me every step of the way.  I am blessed to have given birth three times and I have a loving family that I enjoy very much.  I've been married to Joe for 15 amazing years and feel as if we are still newlyweds. I believe I was put on earth for a reason, and now it's time to share some of those reasons. I have been touching people's lives through my work as a successful Cosmetologist, treating people as I would like to be treated.  I have always had a strong focus on communication, health, and wellness and I have received continued education in those fields.  My journey of self-discovery has led me to a group of people who are filled with passion and hope.  Hope for a better tomorrow, and living for today.  My hope is we can share our dreams, and we can find success together.

I have found that the Internet is a great way to reach people that may be looking for solutions.  I selected the beauty industry to develop my talents and to serve others but my significant years of experience as a Master Cosmetologist, has well prepared me to help others find their passion.  My intuition and deep spirituality have led me to where I am today... living a life of purpose and joy. 
I AM here to help you navigate through our changing world with confidence ...
I AM here to bring innovative and new solutions to the world. It starts with an open heart and mind.
Connect with me at Giving Birth To Prosperity

“There is scarcely any passion without struggle.” ~ Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays